AmigaOS3.5 (355/967)

From:Chris Elliott
Date:12 May 2000 at 11:38:10
Subject:Re: RAM; Re: RAM: Stay!

Hello Duane A. Miller

On 11-May-00, Duane A. Miller wrote:
DAM> Hi Again,

DAM> This isn't too serious, but it is annoying. I can't change the RAM disk icon.
DAM> as I rebooted, it went back to the old icon. I was able to change the icons
DAM> on the other partitions OK, but not the RAM disk. Thanks for any help.

DAM> Auf Wienerschnitzel

On 11-May-00, Xavier Messersmith wrote:
XM> On 11-May-00, Duane A. Miller wrote:
XM>> On 10-May-00, you wrote:
XM>>> You might take a tip from my startup routines:
XM>>> Relabel RAM: Ram_Drive
XM>>> Copy >NIL: SYS:Stuff/
XM>> I haven't tried it yet, since I just got your message, but what does what
XM>> you told me do to keep the correct icon on my ram disc. Thanks

XM> Only the last command does what you specifically want.

XM> Basically, you make a for your ramdisk, and you put it somewhere on
XM> your harddrive (in this example, SYS:Stuff/ names, so on every
XM> bootup before Workbench kicks in the icon is placed in RAM:

I have a similar method, but different in execution. I have three
subdirectories that I use for user temp areas. (Called r: a: and m:)
Here is the snipped from my user-startup that sets them up (indented
for clarity):

;BEGIN RAM Scratch
echo RAM Scratch
relabel RAM: RamDisk
makedir ram:r ram:a ram:m
assign r: ram:r
assign a: ram:a
assign m: ram:m
lzx x sys:s/ramIcons ram:
;END RAM Scratch

Here is the output from executing 'lzx v s:ramIcons.lzx' in the shell
(indented for clarity):

Viewing archive 's:ramIcons.lzx':

Original Packed Ratio Date Time FileAttr CRC-32 M Name
-------- -------- ----- --------- -------- -------- -------- - -----------
9 9 100 % 06-Jul-98 09:02:46 ----rw-d 606791A1 s .backdrop
1278 merged n/a 07-Jan-128 09:38:16 ----rw-d 45660B36 1
1351 merged n/a 27-Oct-99 15:47:03 ----rw-d 363C8C62 1
1351 merged n/a 27-Oct-99 15:47:03 ----rw-d 50544C27 1
1351 merged n/a 27-Oct-99 15:47:03 ----rw-d 54A9887E 1
5331 2012 37.7%
-------- -------- ----- --------- --------
5340 2021 37.8% 07-Jan-256 09:38:43 ----rwed 5 file(s)

I have all the icons and the windows that they open snapshotted where
I want them, and the icons for the subdirectories r, a & m are left
out on the workbench for easy access. I suppose I could have had the
empty directories in the lzx file and saved the 'makedir' line, but
while the method I used isn't elegent it is intuitive. ("Oh, here is
where I make the directories, here is where I make the assigns, and
here are the icons")

XM> Also, since I disliked the default ramdisk name, I relabled it. Which is
XM> arguably more important than the icon's appearance.

To expand on what Xavier said here. The reason why changing the
default RAM: name (the default is "RAM Disk") is important is because
a lot of programs and scripts choke on volume names that have spaces
in them. You can see that I have my RAM: called "RamDisk", but you can
call it almost anything you want as long as you don't have any spaces
in the name. (Otherwise why change it?) ;-)


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